We would really appreciate your help and support to keep Jayess Newbiggin Brass Band running and able to support and encourage the next generation of brass players!
To donate to the band please click on one of these buttons which will take you to the SumUp Pay app where you can donate as a Guest, or set up an account.
Running a brass band is an expensive business! Instruments, sheet music, room hire, entry to contests, travel expenses, admin. It all adds up!
The band is entirely self-funding and run on a not-for profit basis.
We have no paid professionals. Most band members provide and maintain their own instruments and do not take any expenses, but we do not allow financial circumstances to be a barrier to joining the band. We believe that learning to play a musical instrument and playing with others is something that everyone should be able to do.
We earn some money from playing at events and we receive some grants especially when we have major expenses like taking the band to the Brass Band National Finals (success costs money!).
But individual donations, no matter how small, add up and make a real difference. So thank you!